We received another update on Haddie. It came just 6 days after our last update. We had hired Ladybugs n Love from Above
to work on getting us an update because it did not look like we would be getting one through our agency. So, the bummer was we got the same pictures, except for the one above. We did find out a couple of new things about our sweet Haddie Hope Jie:
Did she receive her care package telling her that she has a family?
Yes, she got the care package. She knows she has a family now. She’s seen your pictures.
Does she have a special friend or caregiver?
Her friends: Zhu Xiao Liang (朱晓亮), Zhu Xiao Chuan (朱晓川)。
She loves her special education teacher Ms. Han.
Does she speak well, clearly, or does she have challenges with her repaired cleft?
She can’t speak very clearly because of her cleft lip and palate. But her expression skill is great.
Is her cleft palette closed completely?
Does she eat well?
She has good appetite. She likes to eat children food.
What does she like to do?
She likes to watch TV, make hand crafts and help nannies playing with little children.
Does she sleep well?
Yes. She likes to lay on her side. She usually goes to bed around 9:00pm.
Does she like to sleep with a special blanket or stuffed animal?
Does she have a favorite food or treat?
She loves most children food (snack).
Her updated measurements:
Height: 117cm; Weight: 18.5kg; Foot: 18cm.
46.1 inches 40.7 pounds 7.1 inches
So we know that she is VERY skinny...if these measurements are accurate. We have learned that her palette is defiantly creating some challenges for her. We think she might have a hard time with a solid diet. We also understand that speech is a huge issue for her. We LOVE that she enjoys helping the nannies care for the little children. We see this as God preparing her for her little sister Libi Faith.
How Our Wonderful Father is preparing us for Haddie. We have seen such a change in her countenance already. We believe that God is already beginning to heal the broken places of her heart.
When I read that she has seen our pictures I wonder if she stares at us like I stare at her. How I can sit and study my big girl and daydream about who she is, what it will be like to hold her in my arms, what she smells like, what does her hair feel like in my hands and pressed up against my face, what does her life sound like. Weird? No, just how a mama thinks about their baby.
So thankful that God honored us with this double update...this double blessing...that is bringing something to mind that I will blog about later. DOUBLE PORTION...stay tuned.