Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well, as we sit and HOPE for our TA (travel approval) we got the next best update!!! WOW! We are so in love with our little Haddie. What a pretty little girl she is! She looks so tiny to me. I am passing along the new information we have about her and the new pictures. Feel free to ohhh and ahhh with us over our daughter...we really don't mind.

Can she read?

Does she like books?


Does she like to wear dresses or pants?


Does she enjoy coloring?


Does she like to play with dolls?


Does she like to play or care for younger children?


What is her favorite song?

Gan En De Xin (grateful heart), Wei Xiao (smile), etc. some children songs.

What is her favorite color?


What is her favorite thing in school?

She likes to play with play dough, slides, swivel chair, skate board, etc. she likes art and craft, physical training.

Is she excited about her family?

Yes. She is very excited.

follow this link to one of her favorite songs...Gan En De Xin (grateful heart),


  1. She is beautiful!! And she likes dresses and little babes and dolls! Sounds like an Arnold girl!! Oh, how I can't wait to see her in your arms!! Very soon my friend! God's timing is amazing. What a blessing that He gave you this wonderful update to warm your heart while you wait. So excited for you and your family. You will all be together soon!!! Love you all so much!

  2. She is beautiful! Hope your travel date comes soon!!!

  3. Amy,

    She is so cute!! My heart just aches looking at her and how badly you need her home! It won't be long and we'll be seeing pictures of her smiling with her family.


  4. Oh, I'm oooing and ahhhing here:-). Praying you get TA soon....can't wait to see you with her.


  5. Oh AMY!! I'm so excited to meet your beautiful daughter when she is finally HOME! Paige can't wait to meet her "best friend" as she calls her!

    I miss you, my friend. You've been on my heart a lot and I've been praying and thanking God for you!
